A win

The school district finally decided to pay for a tutor for my 7 year old to avoid her failing 1st grade. Funny thing is I had asked for a tutor at the end of last year. I asked because the district she was in decided not to have a summer program for kindergarteners that were in danger of  the dreaded summer brain drain. Well, she proved that she lost a lot over the summer because her Dibels scores took a nosedive at the beginning of 1st grade. And she has not caught up to grade level since.

So a victory for us in obtaining a tutor in order for her to, hopefully, catch up enough to go on to 2nd grade AND to be on grade level (or at least not failing).

I am also happy that my daughter is excited to have a tutor come to the house 2-3 days a week to help her grasp the funtamentals of phonics and comprehension. We shall see if she continues her excitement once tutoring begins!

ADHD Medication

Yesterday was my 7 year old’s first day on 5mg Focalin XR. It seemed to be easier on her emotions. She was on Vyvanse 20 mg. On Vyvanse, she was an emotional wreck after school. She said it did help with attention and focus. It’s too early to say if the new medication is effective, but having her emotionally stable after school is a plus!

My 6 year old had her well child check-up last week (when he stated she is fat). He made a copy of her psychological evaluation. The evaluation diagnosed her with ADHD-Combined Type, Disruptive Behavior Disorder-NOS and Mood Disorder-NOS. He is going to see if medication may be beneficial for her. I’m more hesitant to use medicine with her. Her behavior is okay at school. It’s at home where her hyperactivity, disruptive and mood issues appear. Many times it is very overwhelming and difficult to handle. It also takes attention away from her sister, especially during homework. She knows she is being disruptive and that her behavior is causing her sister from focusing on homework, which of course is an issue with a primarily inattentive ADHD child. The kicker-she purposely does this! And it drives me crazy, which again she does it on purpose!

Pediatrician called my 6 year old fat?!

90% for weight and 75% for height makes my 6 year old’s BMI too high!
In front of her she was told to get exercise (after being diagnosed with exercise induced asthma), eat fruits and veggies and limit soda. She doesn’t get soda. She is active. She has always been a higher percentile for weight than height. It’s who she is. It’s who she will probably always will be.

As a recovered anorexic, I am concerned pediatricians are so free to say watch a young child’s weight! If he really were concerned he could of pulled me aside. Inadvertent comments can stick with a child and build up to an insecure body image. My 6 year old is not fat. She is not skinny. She is who she is naturally!

IEP Brain drain

After fighting to get my 7.5 year old a full educational evaluation we had her IEP meeting to develop our goals, accommodations and services. I am brain dead. Too much to even try to read the IEP and figure out exactly what is going on.

The one thing I asked for was ESY (Extended School Year) so she does not lose the significant reading gains as she had last summer. She has still not recouped the loss of one reading  skill from kindergarten.

Their solution………

30 Minutes of instruction once a week for 4 weeks!!!! And this poor child is in danger of failing 1st grade at the age of 7.5!



iep boxing